Goplan API - An introduction

The Goplan API allows developers to access Goplan's data and functionality remotely. It uses OAuth for authentication so if you're unfamiliar with the protocol, you should start by reading about it here (official page) or here (our own reference). In order to get started you should register a developer account and create a new application so we can give you a few bits of info you'll need (mostly for the OAuth authentication).

On the sidebar, you'll find links to every bit of data and functionality you can access using our API. We have included examples to guide you through the kind of requests you'll need to do and the kind of answers you may expect from our service. If at any time you need extra help, get in touch with our development team. We're always excited to hear from and about other developers, and will give you a hand. Use our support email at Thanks, and have a lot of fun!

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