Time Track


time track unique identifier number
time track title string
time track start date and time
time track duration (in hours)
discussion creation time
discussion last update time
time track user identifier number
time track associated asset type string
time track associated asset id number



returns all time tracks from the given project


  • start: START (start of time track after this date) - not mandatory
  • finish: FINISH (start of time track before this date) - not mandatory
  • project: PROJECT_ALIAS (alias of a specific project) - mandatory
  • company: COMPANY_ALIAS (passed in as a subdomain) - mandatory
  • format: xml | json - not mandatory, defaults to the HTTP Accept header.
  • callback: JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION (a javascript function identifier) - not mandatory, only used on json

Endpoint examples

	http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/get_all - all time tracks

Output Formats

  • XML - all time tracks

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <time-tracks type="array">
    		<asset-type nil="true"/>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T15:56:26+01:00</created-at>
    		<duration type="decimal">2.0</duration>
    		<id type="integer">10</id>
    		<start type="datetime">2009-07-23T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    		<title>This one won't appear in the filtering</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T15:56:26+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-id type="integer">5</user-id>
    		<asset-type nil="true"/>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:19:28+01:00</created-at>
    		<duration type="decimal">1.5</duration>
    		<id type="integer">5</id>
    		<start type="datetime">2009-07-22T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    		<title>Time tracking description</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:19:28+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-id type="integer">3</user-id>
    		<asset-type nil="true"/>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:18:57+01:00</created-at>
    		<duration type="decimal">2.0</duration>
    		<id type="integer">4</id>
    		<start type="datetime">2009-07-20T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    		<title>Yet another time track</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:18:57+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-id type="integer">2</user-id>
    		<asset-type nil="true"/>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T09:43:11+01:00</created-at>
    		<duration type="decimal">0.01</duration>
    		<id type="integer">6</id>
    		<start type="datetime">2009-07-14T09:43:11+01:00</start>
    		<title>testing stuff</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T09:43:16+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-id type="integer">4</user-id>
    		<asset-type nil="true"/>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:18:33+01:00</created-at>
    		<duration type="decimal">3.0</duration>
    		<id type="integer">3</id>
    		<start type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-14T00:18:33+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-id type="integer">1</user-id>
  • JSON - all time tracks

    [{"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/17 15:56:26 +0100", "title": "This one won't appear in the filtering", "id": 10, "start": "2009/07/23 00:00:00 +0100", "user_id": 5, "duration": 2.0, "asset_type": null, "created_at": "2009/07/17 15:56:26 +0100"}}, {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/14 00:19:28 +0100", "title": "Time tracking description", "id": 5, "start": "2009/07/22 00:00:00 +0100", "user_id": 3, "duration": 1.5, "asset_type": null, "created_at": "2009/07/14 00:19:28 +0100"}}, {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/14 00:18:57 +0100", "title": "Yet another time track", "id": 4, "start": "2009/07/20 00:00:00 +0100", "user_id": 2, "duration": 2.0, "asset_type": null, "created_at": "2009/07/14 00:18:57 +0100"}}, {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/14 09:43:16 +0100", "title": "testing stuff", "id": 6, "start": "2009/07/14 09:43:11 +0100", "user_id": 4, "duration": 0.01, "asset_type": null, "created_at": "2009/07/14 09:43:11 +0100"}}, {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/14 00:18:33 +0100", "title": "Time ", "id": 3, "start": "2009/07/14 00:00:00 +0100", "user_id": 1, "duration": 3.0, "asset_type": null, "created_at": "2009/07/14 00:18:33 +0100"}}]


returns a specific time track, the user and asset (if any)


  • id: ID (unique time track identifier) - mandatory
  • project: PROJECT_ALIAS (alias of a specific project) - mandatory
  • company: COMPANY_ALIAS (passed in as a subdomain) - mandatory
  • format: xml | json - not mandatory, defaults to the HTTP Accept header.
  • callback: JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION (a javascript function identifier) - not mandatory, only used on json

Endpoint examples


Output Formats

  • XML - all time tracks

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</created-at>
    	<duration type="decimal">3.5</duration>
    	<id type="integer">24</id>
    	<start type="datetime">2009-07-15T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    	<title>We will now create a time track</title>
    	<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</updated-at>
    	<user-id type="integer">1</user-id>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-05-04T15:36:26+01:00</created-at>
    		<email>[email protected]</email>
    		<id type="integer">1</id>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-06-30T02:01:52+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-type type="integer">0</user-type>
    		<cid type="integer">35</cid>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</created-at>
    		<due-date type="date" nil="true"/>
    		<id type="integer">39</id>
    		<parent-id type="integer" nil="true"/>
    		<status type="integer">0</status>
    		<title>Buy snacks</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</updated-at>
  • JSON - all time tracks

    {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100", "title": "We will now create a time track", "user": {"name": "John", "updated_at": "2009/06/30 02:01:52 +0100", "picture_url": "http://goplanapp.com/content/servers.jpg", "id": 1, "user_type": 0, "time_zone": "Lisbon", "alias": "john", "email": "[email protected]", "created_at": "2009/05/04 15:36:26 +0100"}, "id": 26, "start": "2009/07/15 00:00:00 +0100", "asset": {"status": 0, "updated_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100", "title": "Buy snacks", "id": 39, "description": "", "due_date": null, "cid": 35, "parent_id": null, "created_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100"}, "user_id": 1, "duration": 3.5, "asset_type": "Task", "created_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100"}}			


creates a time track and returns it, the user and the asset (if any)


  • timetrack[title]: TIMETRACK_TITLE (title of the time track) - mandatory
  • timetrack[start]: TIMETRACK_START (starting date of the time track) - mandatory
  • timetrack[duration]: TIMETRACK_DURATION (duration of the time track) - mandatory
  • timetrack[asset_type]: TIMETRACK_ASSET_TYPE (type of the item related to the time track: ticket, task) - not mandatory
  • timetrack[asset_cid]: TIMETRACK_ASSET_CID (project wide ID of the item related to the time track) - not mandatory (mandatory if asset type is present)
  • project: PROJECT_ALIAS (alias of a specific project) - mandatory
  • company: COMPANY_ALIAS (passed in as a subdomain) - mandatory
  • format: xml | json - not mandatory, defaults to the HTTP Accept header.
  • callback: JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION (a javascript function identifier) - not mandatory, only used on json

Endpoint examples

	http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/create - pass the other parameters by POST
http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/create?timetrack[title]=We will now create a time track&timetrack;[start]=2009-07-15T09:43:11+01:00&timetrack;[duration]=2.35&timetrack;[asset_cid]=19

Output Formats

  • XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</created-at>
    	<duration type="decimal">3.5</duration>
    	<id type="integer">24</id>
    	<start type="datetime">2009-07-15T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    	<title>We will now create a time track</title>
    	<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</updated-at>
    	<user-id type="integer">1</user-id>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-05-04T15:36:26+01:00</created-at>
    		<email>[email protected]</email>
    		<id type="integer">1</id>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-06-30T02:01:52+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-type type="integer">0</user-type>
    		<cid type="integer">35</cid>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</created-at>
    		<due-date type="date" nil="true"/>
    		<id type="integer">39</id>
    		<parent-id type="integer" nil="true"/>
    		<status type="integer">0</status>
    		<title>Buy snacks</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</updated-at>
  • JSON

    handlerFunction({"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100", "title": "We will now create a time track", "user": {"name": "John", "updated_at": "2009/06/30 02:01:52 +0100", "picture_url": "http://goplanapp.com/content/servers.jpg", "id": 1, "user_type": 0, "time_zone": "Lisbon", "alias": "john", "email": "[email protected]", "created_at": "2009/05/04 15:36:26 +0100"}, "id": 26, "start": "2009/07/15 00:00:00 +0100", "asset": {"status": 0, "updated_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100", "title": "Buy snacks", "id": 39, "description": "", "due_date": null, "cid": 35, "parent_id": null, "created_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100"}, "user_id": 1, "duration": 3.5, "asset_type": "Task", "created_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100"}})


updates a time track and returns it


  • id: ID (unique identifier of the time track) - mandatory
  • timetrack[title]: TIMETRACK_TITLE (title of the time track) - mandatory
  • timetrack[duration]: TIMETRACK_DURATION (duration of the time track) - not mandatory
  • project: PROJECT_ALIAS (alias of a specific project) - mandatory
  • company: COMPANY_ALIAS (passed in as a subdomain) - mandatory
  • format: xml | json - not mandatory, defaults to the HTTP Accept header.
  • callback: JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION (a javascript function identifier) - not mandatory, only used on json

Endpoint examples

	http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/update - pass the other parameters by POST
http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/update?id=24&timetrack;[title]=This is an updated time track&timetrack;[start]=2009-07-15T09:43:11+01:00&timetrack;[duration]=2.2
http://company_alias.goplanapp.com/project_alias/api/timetracks/update?id=24&timetrack;[title]=This is an updated time track&timetrack;[start]=2009-07-15T09:43:11+01:00&timetrack;[duration]=2.2&format;=json

Output Formats

  • XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</created-at>
    	<duration type="decimal">2.2</duration>
    	<id type="integer">24</id>
    	<start type="datetime">2009-07-15T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    	<title>This is an updated time track</title>
    	<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:49:38+01:00</updated-at>
    	<user-id type="integer">1</user-id>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-05-04T15:36:26+01:00</created-at>
    		<email>[email protected]</email>
    		<id type="integer">1</id>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-06-30T02:01:52+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-type type="integer">0</user-type>
    		<cid type="integer">35</cid>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</created-at>
    		<due-date type="date" nil="true"/>
    		<id type="integer">39</id>
    		<parent-id type="integer" nil="true"/>
    		<status type="integer">0</status>
    		<title>Buy snacks</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</updated-at>
  • JSON

    {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/17 17:49:38 +0100", "title": "This is an updated time track", "user": {"name": "John", "updated_at": "2009/06/30 02:01:52 +0100", "picture_url": "http://goplanapp.com/content/servers.jpg", "id": 1, "user_type": 0, "time_zone": "Lisbon", "alias": "john", "email": "[email protected]", "created_at": "2009/05/04 15:36:26 +0100"}, "id": 26, "start": "2009/07/15 00:00:00 +0100", "asset": {"status": 0, "updated_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100", "title": "Buy snacks", "id": 39, "description": "", "due_date": null, "cid": 35, "parent_id": null, "created_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100"}, "user_id": 1, "duration": 3.5, "asset_type": "Task", "created_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100"}}


deletes a time track and returns it


  • id: ID (unique identifier of the time track) - mandatory
  • project: PROJECT_ALIAS (alias of a specific project) - mandatory
  • company: COMPANY_ALIAS (passed in as a subdomain) - mandatory
  • format: xml | json - not mandatory, defaults to the HTTP Accept header.
  • callback: JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION (a javascript function identifier) - not mandatory, only used on json

Output Formats

  • XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:24:32+01:00</created-at>
    	<duration type="decimal">2.2</duration>
    	<id type="integer">24</id>
    	<start type="datetime">2009-07-15T00:00:00+01:00</start>
    	<title>This is an updated time track</title>
    	<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T17:49:38+01:00</updated-at>
    	<user-id type="integer">1</user-id>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-05-04T15:36:26+01:00</created-at>
    		<email>[email protected]</email>
    		<id type="integer">1</id>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-06-30T02:01:52+01:00</updated-at>
    		<user-type type="integer">0</user-type>
    		<cid type="integer">35</cid>
    		<created-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</created-at>
    		<due-date type="date" nil="true"/>
    		<id type="integer">39</id>
    		<parent-id type="integer" nil="true"/>
    		<status type="integer">0</status>
    		<title>Buy snacks</title>
    		<updated-at type="datetime">2009-07-17T16:32:38+01:00</updated-at>
  • JSON

    {"time_track": {"updated_at": "2009/07/17 17:49:38 +0100", "title": "This is an updated time track", "user": {"name": "John", "updated_at": "2009/06/30 02:01:52 +0100", "picture_url": "http://goplanapp.com/content/servers.jpg", "id": 1, "user_type": 0, "time_zone": "Lisbon", "alias": "john", "email": "[email protected]", "created_at": "2009/05/04 15:36:26 +0100"}, "id": 26, "start": "2009/07/15 00:00:00 +0100", "asset": {"status": 0, "updated_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100", "title": "Buy snacks", "id": 39, "description": "", "due_date": null, "cid": 35, "parent_id": null, "created_at": "2009/07/17 16:32:38 +0100"}, "user_id": 1, "duration": 3.5, "asset_type": "Task", "created_at": "2009/07/17 17:31:54 +0100"}}

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