A small identity update

Fred Oliveira on January 14, 2007, Comments (6)

Goplan Logo

If you don’t follow our Flickr stream you probably didn’t notice our logo change until the server update a while ago. The revised Goplan identity, based on Emigre’s Triplex is a little “happier” than the previous installment, and gives us a little more flexibility in terms of color choice.


Any idea when the public release date of Go Plan will be?


What font do you use for the logo of Stay Quiet?


It’s definitely not Helvetica, and doesn’t quite look like Arial. The “k” makes me think it Univers.

I’m so confused now, because clearly the “y” in “Stay quiet” is not the Univers “y”.

I really like the “stay quiet” logo type, please share.

Greg, the stayquiet logo is based on Myriad Pro.

James: we’re hoping to launch officially within the month

You guys are awesome! Thanks.

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