File versioning, full RSS feeds, dashboard updates

Fred Oliveira on June 5, 2007, Comments (2)

This morning we rolled an update to Goplan which included several changes to Goplan functionality. The first thing you’ll notice is that the dashboard changed quite a bit - and while we’re definitely not completely done with it yet, it is a little easier to parse. Design-wise, we also changed the way notes and project blog posts were shown.

File versioning: Included in the updates is a much-requested feature. You can now upload new versions of existing files without having to delete the first and uploading a new one, or using naming trickery. From the file list, you just need to pick “Upload new version” to upload a new version of a file - previous versions will be available in the “Previous versions” link.

Full feeds: We also rolled out full feeds for projects. Previously feeds didn’t show the content of updates to a project. You’d see something along the lines of “Note created” in the title of the feed item, but couldn’t see the note directly in the reader (same is true for other kinds of content). Now the feeds show full content, so you don’t need to open your browser to see updates.

We also made significant updates to the back-end system that you may not notice, but make it easier to keep rolling incremental updates to Goplan more often, so you’ll likely see some of your minor requests (that we’ve been getting through email and the feedback system - thanks!) get done much quicker. As always, let us know if you find any issues, and enjoy the updates!



Like the updates but what has happened to the option to expand or hide the project details on the main dashboard page? I thought it was very useful to see purely a list of projects and then be able to click to expand only those I’m interested in.

As I am looking to buy a plan and have potentially upwards of 50 current projects the amount of scrolling would be horrendous if they were all expanded as it is now!

Please bring back that particular feature.



Ronnie, thanks for the comment. We are definitely not “done” with the dashboard, and the collapsing will return. The problem is that the old way was really poor at conveying what was happening globally with your projects - and that’s what we’re aiming towards. So keep an eye out, more dashboard updates will be up really soon.

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