How do you track time?
Time tracking. So essential for project managers and teams around the world that we get several emails a day asking us to implement it. And, as we announced two days ago, we are! Time tracking is coming to Goplan soon, but before we roll out the new functionality we want to make sure it makes sense for the majority of our users. So, we’re collecting feedback from people who typically track time in their projects, either in order to bill clients or just to keep tabs on what is happening and how long each thing takes.
Do you use an application for time tracking, or plain old paper sheets? If you use an application, is it online or a desktop app? Do you do track it in real-time, or create a report every day/week/month? Does your organization have one person who keeps tabs on how long someone takes to do something, or does each person do it for themselves?
We’d love to hear from you. If you have any thoughts or requests on time-tracking, please leave a comment, or send us an email to support at Thanks!
Note: Love those wallpapers? We do too! They’re the work of Mike Stimpson, who totally rocks at taking photos of toys. Check his Flickr set for high-resolution versions of these photos.
At SpinWeb (, we don’t track time anymore. Rather than punish or award people based on how long something took we judge only by the result and whether it was done by the date it was required. :o)
Comment by Rob Alan — July 1, 2009 @ 5:05 pm