Updates! Lots of updates.

Fred Oliveira on July 30, 2009, Comments (4)

Today is a big day for us. A few hours ago we pushed quite a few changes to Goplan which we’re really excited about - here’s what’s new:

Calendar: The calendar now includes a weekly view in addition to the existing Monthly view, which makes it much easier to plan things out on a week-by-week basis. The new view (available on the Calendar sidebar) also includes the javascript goodness you were used to in the monthly view, like clicking and dragging to create new events. Oh, and here’s something you might not know. On text fields that take dates, you can use real text like “tomorrow” or “next saturday” or “two weeks from now”. Give that a try, it’s awesome!

Person view: Something quite a lot of people have requested in the past (which makes total sense, by the way), is a way to quickly get a glimpse of the activity from a particular user. That’s the new person view. Anywhere you see someones name or alias, you’ll be able to click through to a page, which lists assigned items (tasks and tickets), latest status updates and latest activity for that particular user.

More RSS feeds: Many of you are using RSS readers to stay on top of project activity. But sometimes, keeping up with the full feed of project activity can be a daunting task, so we added separate feeds for tasks, tickets and discussions - you’ll find them in each sections page, ready for you to subscribe.

More speed: We changed a few things under the hood to improve our caching mechanism (for the techies, we started using a cluster of Memcached servers), which causes the app to be much snappier. We hope you enjoy the extra time you get to actually manage projects :-)

Cosmetic changes: There were quite a few other changes throughout the app, particularly in support of our users who are using Internet Explorer (please consider our recommendation of switching to a browser more ‘up-to-date’ with the latest standards, like Firefox 3 or Safari 4)

Final notes

Good thing about these updates, is that we already have a few new things up our sleeves for the next few weeks, so do keep an eye out for more news. We wouldn’t be updating the application so frequently if all of you weren’t being so prolific at sending in great feedback. We really appreciate all the love we’re getting. Thanks!


Awesome additions to GoPlan! :) I especially like the week view in Calendar. And I haven’t messed with the person view yet, but that’s going to be really handy. Keep up the awesome work. Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve.

(PS. It would be great if under week-view, if people could specify the hours to show, I have a whole lotta’ scroll room for hours of the day I *never* plan anything for) :)

Wow… As someone who’s belief that this app was hard-pressed to make it back into my good graces (after the fallout, and extended silence following ver 1) — I must say, this App is getting incredible.

Thank you for proving me wrong.

It would be totally killer if in people view where it is showing all the assigned items to have a line though the tasks that are complete instead of showing a task that is due 5 days ago even though the task is completed and closed.

Keep up the great work!

Brandon, we were just kinda dumb and had a bug that was showing all assigned items. We want that screen to only show outstanding and assigned items ;-) A fix is coming today for that. Sorry!

A.Fruit / Mike Ambs: Thank you so much for the kind words! You guys are awesome.

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