Coming soon: better text input, more ways to subscribe
Our team’s been busy working on many things (including the iphone/ipad app - more news on it quite soon), and we’re almost ready to launch the first batch of changes. Here’s a few of the things that are about to be updated on Goplan:
Text input will change dramatically. Many of you (and ourselves) had problems with the way you write comments, discussions, or fill things like task descriptions. Textile, which we use for text input is “okay” but far from a perfect solution. So we rebuilt our text-input from the ground up. You’ll now be able to preview things *as you type*, instead of having to guess how things would look like after clicking “Submit”. The screenshot above reflects those changes - we think you’ll love it.
More flexible ways to subscribe. We’re finally ready to offer more payment options as an alternative to Paypal. We’ve spent the last few weeks looking into every nook and cranny in order to allow you to securely subscribe using any major credit cards directly from Goplan - effectively dumping the need for a Paypal account. With this major update, we’ll be ready to give out promotional codes, have more flexible payments, and be easier on you. We can’t wait to launch this.
There’s a lot more coming in the next few days - we expect to launch these changes first thing next week. We’ve been getting an unprecedented number of feedback emails (thanks! keep them coming!) and have been doing quite a few tweaks based on your awesome feedback. Keep an eye out on this blog and our twitter feed for updates!